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Mobile Application Functional Testing Tools – Your A-Z Glossary

Jul 23, 2016 0

96% of world population has mobile subscription of some kind. This means a lot of potential customers for businesses. It, thus, does not come as a surprise that all businesses wish to have a mobile interface to reach out to more customers. As a result there is a big demand for quality of applications on mobile devices. And mobile testing teams are on their toes to deliver the best to the consumer because statistics show that nearly 50% consumers will delete an app if they find even a single bug. The problem is that testing mobile applications is not easy. Testers need to find out ways to test apps efficiently and effectively, and the answer is automation. There are various tools that help in freeing up a tester’s time from critical manual testing process. We bring you a list of such tools to help you chose the one that suits your testing case.

Download Free E-Book: 5 Open Source Alternatives to Selenium Testing Tool


It is a cross-platform mobile automation tool that supports tests in any framework and language. The only thing is that an HTTP request should be created.


  • – It has an easy setup process for running the test
  • – The app code does not need to modified for testing
  • – Any test is suitable to run on either iOS or Android on real devices or emulators.

Pricing – Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native hybrid and mobile web apps.

Calabash – It is developed and maintained by Xamarin. It is used with Cucumber


  • – It has two separate libraries one for iOS and another for Android which automate testing for native or hybrid mobile apps.
  • – The test cases are written in natural language and then translated to test scripts
  • – It works well with Ruby, Java, .NET, Flex and other programming languages.

Pricing – It is an open source and free testing tool.


The eggPlant functional conducts mobile testing using the iOS Gateway and Android gateway agents to connect directly with the mobile devices. The tester has full control of the devices and emulators.


  • – One script works for all devices and platforms
  • – Unique image-based UI testing approach to test user-experience focused mobile apps
  • – There is no requirement for modification of the app

Pricing – eggPlant packages are available for different uses and cost differs depending on the type of package.

Frank for iOS

It is an iOS-only test framework combining Cucumber and JSON.


  • A statically linked server inside the mobile app under test interprets JSON and uses UISpec for execution.
  • – It does not require app code changes
  • – It is most suited for emulators and web-based apps.

Pricing – It is an open source testing solution

iOS Driver for iOS

iOS Driver utilizes Selenium and the WebDriver API for testing iOS mobile apps.


  • – It runs on emulators, where execution is faster and scalable.
  • – No app source code requires modification and no additional apps are loaded on the device under test.
  • – iOS Driver is designed to run as a Selenium grid node, which improves test speed as it enables parallel GUI testing.

Pricing – It is an open source framework


Developed by Dynatrace it is a leader in helping businesses with their mobile application testing


  • – It provides cloud based solution for mobile app quality and performance which results in reduced complexity.
  • – It enables integration with agile development
  • – It helps shorten development cycles with test automation

Pricing – You can get Keynote for manula testing of mobile applications and websites starting $180 per month. Unlimited testing and other facilities are available in Pro Unlimited starting at $500 per month.

KIF for iOS

KIF stands for Keep It Functional. It has been developed for iOS mobile app UI testing.


  • – It utilizes the Accessibility APIs built into iOS in order to simulate real user interactions.
  • – Tests are written in Objective-C, which is already familiar to iOS developers.
  • – It specifically tests only iOS mobile apps.

Pricing – It is an open source framework.


It is simple to use but very powerful tool. It can test anything from simple smoke tests to sophisticated data driven test suites.


  • – It can be used both by the testers and developers.
  • – It has threes components – an IDE that creates test scripts, an Agent which is the test instrumentation library and Scripts that used simple syntax fro execution.
  • – Tests can be data-driven from a spreadsheet using CVS format.

Pricing – It is a free and open source automation tool for android and iOS mobile apps.


It is created by Google and is an implementation of the WebDriver API that drives the UI of a native application.


  • – Functional testing of web applications on multiple platforms and browsers is possible.
  • – The gap between Web Applications and Native Applications are bridged with the help of webDrivers
  • – It is being developed ad a multi-platform tool.

Pricing – It is an open source testing tool


It is an automated testing tool


  • – It combines simple click and go solutions with hardcore coding
  • – Ranorex Test recorder can be used by non programmers
  • – The steps are well designed and can be used across multiple test cases saving time

Pricing – There are two payment plans for Ranorex – Node locked for euro1,990 and floating for Euro 3490

Robotium for Android

This is developed by Renas Reda and the framework is released under Apache License 2.0. It supports Android features like activities, toasts, menus and context menus.


  • – It is aimed only at automatic gray box testing cases for Android applications including web, native and hybrid mobile applications
  • – It is used on conjunction with TestDroid Recorder where the JavaScript test scripts are created as the tester traverses the UI of the app under test
  • – ExtSolo, a free extension library adds multi-path dragging, auto-scaling for different display resolutions and other abilities.

Pricing – It is an open-source test framework

Selendroid for Android

It is a test automation framework for testing Android native and hybrid applications


  • – Can be used without any app code modification
  • – The framework can interacts simultaneously with multiple devices or device emulators and also supports device hot-swapping.
  • – An inspection component records device UI state for test case creation.

Pricing – It is an open source test framework for testing Android Apps. Selendroid open source project is in active development and has already multiple contributions from different contributors and companies like eBay, Salesforce, Red Hat and Facebook.

Silk Mobile

Silk Mobile from Borland, Micro Focus is a mobile testing solution that ensures consistent user experience and lowers the complexity in testing.


  • – The Silk Mobile testing solution increases the speed of testing for both mobile and web clients irrespective of the skill set of the testing team.
  • – It ensures that the mobile and web applications perform as per expectations
  • – It builds functional test automation that runs reliably across platforms and devices

Pricing – Start with a 30 day free trial version

UI Automator for Android

It is a UI testing framework suitable cross-app functional testing across system and installed apps.


  • – The scripts are written in Javascript
  • – UIAutomator Viewer is used to run and examine test results
  • – User actions can be reproduces and it can access native device buttons too

Pricing – It is an open source test framework for testing Android Apps.

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