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Crowd Testing – Inexpensive, yet very powerful way to test your apps before going live

Feb 1, 2017 0

From their inception through the design and development till the final stage, you test your products at different stages to validate they perform the right way they were meant to and meet the targeted quality standards. With crowd testing, you can cover all your bases for testing by using a number of people, system configurations, devices and networks all over the world to test your products. You surely can’t have a more “real world” testing than this!

Crowd testing intends to compliment traditional testing methods, not replace them totally. However, to deliver on its promise, the crowd involved must be able to understand the key business processes and given some specific direction to operate rather than everyone going his/her merry way. This is where you need managed crowd testing. Though you can rely on an unmanaged crowd under the theory that the technology involved will ensure quality and worker controls, it doesn’t happen so in reality. Simply put, the testers (belonging to the crowd) need to be managed by a human being, not an algorithm.

Download Free E-Book: Mobile Automation Testing – How can CI and Cloud help?

Why use crowd testing

Crowd testing offers several benefits. For one, it involves testers from various time zones, thus making some testers available round the clock. This can be extremely helpful when you have tight project deadlines or need to test a specific functionality at the earliest.

Since you can get to use crowd testing services even on a short notice, they help when you need to get results within a few hours. In the real world, your products are likely to be used on a wide variety of software and hardware combinations than what you can test with your in-house resources. But with a crowd of testers, you can test your products across a range of software and hardware combinations together with real-life situations to spot and fix issues, if any

How we can help

If you are looking to go the crowd testing way, TechArcis – a leader in quality assurance in software, can help with: Mobile Automation Testing – How can CI and Cloud help?

  • Crowd testing as an add-on before production release: This would help you spot any defects with respect to configuration and residual UI. In case the crowd isn’t allowed to access your site online due to security or privacy protocols, we will help you set up virtual desktop interfaces to get on with your crowd testing project without a hitch.
  • Crowd testing for multivariate and performance testing: where end-users are made to select website controls or elements from a group of choices made available as part of multivariate testing based on response. Crowd testing can be leveraged effectively for performance testing as well.
  • Testing applications that have high business criticality and high DEF (defect exposure factor): business criticality refers to which areas, when interrupted or not performing the right way, would have a sizable adverse impact on your business. DEF refers to the number of releases every year multiplied by the number of critical stakeholder visits each day. By testing the applications that affect your business criticality and have a high DEF, you can decide which key areas your testing budget spend should focus upon as they would finally create the biggest impact on your business bottom-line.
  • To get crowd testing integrated into overall testing: by considering crowd testing a part of your on demand bouquet of TaaS, you can use it together with your testing tools, test infrastructure and test type combinations, thus integrating it into your overall test strategy. As businesses mature and crowd testing slowly steps into the inner circles of the testing community, we will help you meet your testing needs faster and more efficiently which you may have been currently doing by relying upon labor- and time-intensive testing methods.
  • Mobility testing via crowd and cloud: in today’s scenario where several smart phone devices, apps, platforms and network languages operators are available, you need to test your applications for improved time to market and ROI. With cloud-based testing which is asset light and highly scalable, businesses are increasingly using it to test their apps, either by setting up their own infrastructure or renting it from cloud testing service providers. Crowd testing is another phenomenon increasingly used in mobility testing as it allows access to a varied pool of talent from across the world who can test the apps on various devices and environments using different IDEs (integrated development environments) and scripting languages, among others.
  • Testing on real devices with various operating systems and browsers: rather than spending on costly test resources and in configuring test environments, crowd testing lets you get your products tested by real users across multiple OS, devices and browsers. With testers from some or other part of the world always available, you can finish a major part of your testing within days which would have otherwise taken you weeks to get done with in-house resources. Thus, with such speedy testing, you can find bugs and issues with enough time on hand to fix them before you take your product to the market.
  • Ability to quickly assemble 100 people team for quick 1 week of testing: with on-demand and flexibility being the key, our crowd testing services let you get a team of as many as 100 testers, who would handle in-depth, end-to-end testing within just 1 week. This would help especially when you have a tight project deadline or need to test something particular within a short period.
Download Free E-Book: Pitfalls that may Drop your Application Quality

Final words

If some statistics are to be believed, crowd testing offers up to 4X detection rates of issues and bugs as compared to traditional testing, facilitates up to 10X coverage, is 10 times faster and almost 70% cheaper than its traditional counterparts. So, take your testing to another level with our crowd testing services.

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